5 Tips ! To improve English writing skill


Hello, My name is Hasan and in the present video We will take a gander at, five different ways to further develop scholarly exposition composing Okay?
Or then again TOEFL composing, IELTS composing. This doesn't have to do with when you compose a letter to your companions.
Alright? We're speaking explicitly about conventional composition, perhaps business composing, or scholarly composition.
Alright, so how about we get everything rolling. My first tip on the most proficient method to further develop composing is don't utilize compressions. Alright?
Also, again this is intended for scholastic composition.
Amazing ! "don't,"  "can't"  "shouldn't," "proved unable,"  "wouldn't", "isn't,"  "haven't," "hasn't." Okay.
So it's the short type of, (Two Words Put Into One) for instance, "don't" is the compression of "don't." Okay? Thus, it's smarter to really work out the word in full in scholastic and formal business composing. Along these lines, rather than "don't," use "don't." Instead of "can't," use "can't."
And notice how with "don't," it's really two words. "Can't" is only single word. "Shouldn't" becomes "ought not." "Proved unable" becomes "proved unable."

"Wouldn't" — "would not." "Isn't" — "isn't." "Haven't" — "have not" "Hasn't" — "has not."

Okay. So don't utilize these, utilization these. Alright. So presently how about we take a gander at
Tip #2. So Tip #2 is keep away from "there is" or "there are." Okay?

So for what reason do we keep away from "there is" or "there are"? Well one reason is the point at which we compose, we need to compose our thoughts clear and compact, which means we don't need these long sentences, we need our sentences to be direct. There are "adds" additional words that are not required. So we should take a gander at certain models.

a) There are many issues that understudies face at college. In this way, that is an OK sentence, however assuming I needed to make it a superior sentence, that is more suitable for scholarly composition, I would transform it. I'd dispose of "there are" and I would say all things considered "Understudies face many issues at college." So you needn't bother with "there is" or "there are."
A subsequent model "There are numer ous improvement projects that the UN backings." Okay? Once more, we needn't bother with "there are." We can simply transform it to "The UN backings numer ous advancement projects." By disposing of "there is" and "there are" your sentences become more grounded, and forthright.

So tip number three, is Avoid words so don't utilize words in scholarly composing, for example, "truly, exceptionally, a great deal," I'm gunna add another, "so." Okay? This debilitates your composition. Your composing isn't as solid on the off chance that you utilize these sorts of words. So how about we take a gander at certain models. "Numer ous under studies think college is exceptionally hard." Ok, so presently, we have "very." How could I work on the sentence? All things considered, rather than utilizing "exceptionally hard," Just utilize a more grounded word in any case. say, "Numer ous students think college is trouble some." There are numer ous vehicles...

Well there, I just disrupted a guideline numerous vehicles speed extremely quick you get freed ofthe exceptionally in that sentence think of a more grounded word for it so we should take a gander at number B sentence be bill 399 is very gracious sorry is truly dubious so again a scholastic composing stay away from theusage of truly we will say fabricated 39 is disputable the sentence sounds better it soundsmore formal him see a great deal of the understudies I didn't complete the sentence I could saya parcel of the understudies live nearby now as opposed to utilizing a ton we could utilize the word numerous understudies sowe utilize numerous on the off chance that we can count the thing in case it's countable as opposed to utilizing a ton utilize numerous or ifour thing isn't countable in case it's a non-count thing we can utilize much dispose of a lunch rather than a ton ofthe understudies. Now we have numerous understudies numerous understudies deal with issues in their first year of University much time is squandered in light of tarrying alright so many and much are the two words thatare preferable to use over a ton and again the standard is stay away from the use of reallyvary a ton thus so our fourth tip with regards to scholarly composing is unlessso in case you are in the sciences it's alright to utilize the detached don't utilize ittoo much however's it's OK and ordinary to utilize the uninvolved voice and i'llexplain what that is in a second yet in case you are concentrating on the humanities socialscience history brain research these kinds of subjects don't utilize the latent voiceuse the dynamic voice so for most University Writing.

we utilize the activevoice so what is the aloof voice and what isthe dynamic voice so here is an illustration of the passivevoice medical care changes were executed by Obama alright so notice first we have a type of theverb to be and afterward we have the previous participle of carry out in this caseimplemented C and E and afterward frequently.
we have the word by somebody so this is an illustration of an inactive voice sentence health care changes were carried out by Obama. So what is the issue with utilizing thepassive voice well it removes the way that Obama is the one who implemented the changes the sentence is somewhat feeble. a little bit off-kilter it would be greatly improved on the off chance that we had the entertainer who is Obama's of the person. The action word and the item Obama executed medical services changes so this is the dynamic voice alright. 
So if you can have the subject and the action word than the article rather than the latent voice. So here is one more illustration of this if I wrote in the a loof voice I could compose the conflict was here. we have the formof the be action word 1 here's the past participle a success byanother catch phrase.

The French the conflict was won by the French so this is again a uninvolved voice sentence in the detached sentence. however it's still somewhat powerless in academic writing. We need solid fragrance and food and a solid sentence has the entertainer or the individual playing out the activity toward the start of the sentence so all things being equal a superior sentence would bethe French won the conflict. so the last tip in this video is when you compose scholastically utilize solid action words. alright. so what is the solid action word and what is seven days spice. I will give you a model I could say he offered help to my companion.
alright this is an exceptionally frail method of saying hegave help to my companion and a more grounded way.
I could rather say heassisted my companion so what is the contrast between thesetwo sentences well in this sentence help is a noun so a superior method to compose this sentence whenever you have an action word a thing and youlook at the thing and it very well may be its own action word utilize this in a verbal structure all things being equal so for instance.

He gave help should become he helped alright.
So this is more grounded. How about we look another model so I have seven days action word made a protest. He made a complaint. alright so again we have a action word and afterward a thing complaint yet complaint can be its own verb so to make it more grounded we get freed of made and we transform protest into its verbal structure objected he protested so he protested is superior to he made a complaint hello one more model.

Here we have our example of the week action word she directed an examination.
He led an examination yet. when I look here I see the word examination and I think does examination does this town have an action word structure well.
Yes. it researches so rather than saying conduct aninvestigation she explored something a ton betterit's more grounded. Alright at last for a fourth model the week. Action word is did a review they did a review on Wesley Snipes I don't know significant possibly they did a review on somebody. So again I see the word review so here's an action word and here's a thing I take a gander at this now and I think review is there an action word type of the word review yes there is Wesley Snipes was evaluated yet. Again I advised you not to utilize thepassive so I could say the public authority inspected Wesley Snipes.

Alright so there you have it five hints that will rapidly work. On your scholarly composition so in the event that you might want to practice some of these tips. So good by and good luck. See you with a new content.

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